Kappa Pi Lambda Executive Board for the 2022-2023 Fraternal Year:

President - Reginald Birris

Vice President - Douglas Gillespie

Treasurer - Virgil Marshall

Recording Secretary - Ronald Wyatt

Financial  Secretary - Alexander Shaw

  Chaplain - Dr. Jerry Johnson

Historian - Walter Graves

Membership Intake Officer - Ronald Wyatt

 Director of Ed. Activities - Lamar Anderson

  Sergeant at Arms - Don Knox

 Parliamentarian - Ryan Lowry

Associate Editor of the Sphinx - Douglas Shaw



2022-2023 Committee Chairmen:

GTHSGTC Mentorship - Jimmie Moore
Project Alpha - Patrick Faggett
Voteless People - Rodnert Thimote
Black and Gold Gala - Don Knox
Alpha Family BBQ - Terrance Howard
Scholarship Oratorical Contest  Douglas Gillespie

Scholarship Essay Contest - Will Smith
Community Service - Lamar Anderson
Reclamation Andre Leverett
Fundraising - Dr. James Jeffries
Web Management  Alexander Shaw (Douglas Gillespie GTF)
Chapter Display - Michael Riley
Publicity - Ryan Lowry

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